This Weekly Bulletin focuses on selected acute public health emergencies occurring in the WHO African Region. The WHO Health Emergencies Programme is currently monitoring 59 events in the region. This week’s edition covers key new and ongoing events, including:
- Ebola virus disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Cholera in Tanzania
- Cholera in Malawi
- Humanitarian crisis in Ethiopia
- Humanitarian crisis in north-east Nigeria.
For each of these events, a brief description followed by public health measures implemented and an interpretation of the situation is provided.
A table is provided at the end of the bulletin with information on all new and ongoing public health events currently being monitored in the region, as well as events that have recently been closed.
Major issues and challenges include:
The Democratic Republic of the Congo has confirmed a new outbreak of Ebola virus disease in the north-western Equateur Province. By its nature, Ebola virus disease outbreaks draw wide public concern and attention. It is, therefore, critical that the current outbreak is responded to decisively by the national authorities, WHO and partners in order to quickly contain it and avoid unnecessary public panic.
The outbreak of cholera in Malawi continues insidiously, with active transmission taking place in the urban Lilongwe District. While the incidence remains low, the cholera outbreak still poses significant public health risk, with the potential to escalate. This outbreak needs to be contained forthwith.